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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion plans

1. Increasing Advocacy Education and bridging Alumni Relations with Multicultural Organizations

  • Rebuild advocacy partnership: to equip our students with the resources and knowledge to advocate for themselves and their communities.

  • Better leverage our pool of alumni: by promoting cross-cultural collaboration and expanding to a wider audience

  • We are seeking to provide students with the appropriate resources, training, and fundamental education concerning leading social change while effectively advocating for themselves and their community. We want to improve students' ability to effectively mobilize on and off-campus. We want to bring in and connect the proper departments on campus who do advocacy work, form partnerships with outside organizations, and utilize ASG and DAC as pivotal roles in figuring out how students want to see advocacy/ activism work on campus. We are advocating for these types of training to be included in freshman orientation.

  • When it comes to alumni, often members of marginalized communities don't have the kind of access to certain alumni that other orgs may? Miami prides itself on its alumni, so let's use them to help support all students.  We do not want to limit resources for groups. We want to increase accessibility and strengthen alumni resources within the departments (more seminars, webinars per college). Expanding international alumni network. Promoting cross-cultural collaboration among student orgs

2. Create a Centralized System in Efforts to Compile Miami University's DEI Initiatives

  • A centralized system or portal we believe would help address communication efforts, transparency, and hold Miami accountable for its past, present, and future initiatives surround DEI on campus. We believe this would help combat the tension and negative stereotypes attached to our institution if we better track progress and make that more accessible for everyone.

  • The goal of this initiative is to permanently strengthen university transparency with the student body as it relates to past, present, and future endeavors related to DEI.

3. Increase Accountability and Improve Anti-discrimination policies on campus

  • We propose adopting a zero-tolerance policy. We must be able to establish proper conditions for termination and removal if a person has been deemed to use or say discriminatory language and or (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc) comments.

  • We are seeking to make resources related to reporting instances of bias or discrimination more accessible, including providing information within class syllabi.

  • We aim to ensure that faculty and administration are able to safely and property report bias against the University. 

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